Результати пошуку вакансій: Analysis

Показано: у т.ч. вакансії, в яких не вказана зарплата; у т.ч. вакансії кадрових агентств
15 лютого

Middle SEO Specialist

Постійна робота. Повний робочий день.
Вимоги: вища освіта, досвід роботи більше 5 років.
Experts in any direction are valued in the IT industry—even non-technical ones. At least, this is true for our team. We are currently looking for Middle SEO Specialist and will provide such specialists with great conditions for their development and reaching new levels. RESPONSIBILITIES: • Internal and …

26 грудня 2023р.

Sales Manager (experienced with Affiliate Marketing/Advertising)

AdStart Media. Київ.
Постійна робота. Віддалена робота.
Вимоги: досвід роботи 2-5 років.
Join our team as a Sales Manager in Europe and take your career to the next level. You will report directly to the Head of Operations and lead the process of finding, building, and closing profitable deals for the company. You will enjoy a dynamic experience that will challenge your skills, support your …